Python Advance Course

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Python Training Overview

Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language. Python has been one of the premier, flexible, and powerful open-source language that is easy to learn, easy to use, and has powerful libraries for data manipulation and analysis

Course Content

o Understanding the Open source o Understanding Interpreters o Introduction to Scripting languages o Evolution of python o Installation of python

Getting started with Python
o Creating the first python program. o Understanding the .py extension. o How to run the PYTHON PROGRAM

Python Scripts execution
o Using the python command line o Using IDLE o Using IDEs o Using a regular command prompt

o Arithmetic o Relational o Logical o Assignment o Membership o Identity o Unary

Strings and its types
o Single line o Multi line o Doc strings

Accepting inputs
o Raw inputs and normal inputs

Control Statements:
 Sequence control  Decision control o if(pure if) o if-else o if-elif o nesting  Loop control o for o while o for-else o while-else

Special datatypes
Special datatypes

o Without arguments o With normal arguments o With positional arguments o With named or keyword arguments o With default arguments o With variable length arguments o With dictionary arguments o Functions returning single and multiple values o Pass by reference o Pass by value o Anonymous functions o Understanding the docstrings o Lambda, map, filters o Understanding the return keyword o Global scope. o Local scope.

o What are modules? o Understanding the namespaces o Various ways of importing. o Various ways of accessing o Aliasing o dir () function. o Installation of a module. o Properties of a module o Understanding the virtualenv.

o Packaging a module o Understanding initfile o Establishing the relation between the modules and Packages o Sub packages

o Reading and writing files o Methods of File Objects o Modes o Reading o Writing o Modify o Executing database queries using python scripts o File creation in the default and specific locations o read(),readline() and readlines() o Merging o Files similar schema o Files different Schema o Flip KartExample o Buffering in files.

o OOPS Paradigm o Differences between Procedural and Object Oriented Programming o OOPS Approaches o OOPS Principles

o Understanding the classes in python. o Employee class o Using the class statement o Creating the objects for classes o Methods in classes. o Differences between the methods inside the class and outside the class o self keyword

 Types o Single o Multilevel o Hierarchical o Multiple o Hybrid o Problems with multiple inheritances o Understanding the super method

Interfaces and Abstraction
o Interface and its properties o Differences between an abstract class and an interface o Abstract methods o Abstract classes o Decorative o ABC module

o Parameter less o Parameterized o Differences between the methods and constructors o Advantages

Destructors and Garbage collectors

o What are exceptions? o Various types of exceptions. o Exception handling - try,except,else,finally o Displaying predefined and user defined messages o Trapping errors. o Raising exceptions. o Customized exceptions.

o What is database and its purpose? o Types of databases o What is a query? o Working with oracle/MySQL databases. o How to install MySQL-server and oracle o How to know what modules to install o Operations o Creation of tables o Insertion o Data retrieval o Updation o Alterations o Deletions o Other operations

o Connecting the python application with the database o Cursors o Running the queries o Fetching the required amount of data and the complete data o Loading thedata from the database tables into excel file and text file. o Concurrent programming o Creating and starting a thread o Thread module o Improving the performance using threading o join() function o Ways to implement threads • Creating threads using our own classes. • Creating Thread by creating a child to "Thread" class. • Creating a thread directly without classes o Several methods of thread class o Thread Synchronization o Locking mechanism


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